Medicaid and
Long-Term Care

Medicaid is the largest payer of Long-Term Care costs in the U.S. In fact, 52% of residents in skilled nursing facilities are Medicaid recipients.


 What is Medicaid and Long-Term Care?

Alvin Lynn offers Worksite Benefits

Medicaid is the largest payer of Long-Term Care costs in the U.S. In fact, 52% of residents in skilled nursing facilities are Medicaid recipients. Over half of Medicaid expenditures for Long-Term Care were paid for by home and community based services (HCBS), which include residential care facilities. 

To qualify for Medicaid, you must meet income and asset restrictions that vary by state. If you have too many assets to qualify, you may accelerate eligibility by Crisis Planning with a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA).

You don't have to liquidate your hard earned wealth to benefit from Medicaid. Schedule an appointment with Alvin Lynn to learn more.

Click to set up an appointment.


What is Medicaid?


*  Medicaid is a joint federal and state-funded health insurance program

*  In a nursing home, Medicaid pays for a person's custodial care, including room and board, pharmacy, and incidentals.

*  Applicants must meet specific criteria to qualify 

Alvin Lynn Offers Medicaid Planning

2 Ways Are Required to Qualify:

Non-Financial and Financial Requirements


1.  Non-Finanical Eligibility Requirements

     -- U.S. citizen or qualified alien
      -- Age 65+ or disabled
      -- In a Medicaid Qualified nursing home


2a. Financial Requirements:  Income 

     Institutionalized Individual
-- Income from all sources must be less than the private pay rate of the facility.
      -- Includes Social Security, pension, etc.

Community Spouse
 -- If the community spouse's income is below the Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMNA), they may be entitled to some of the institutionalized spouse's income.
     -- No limits on the income of the community spouse.


2b. Financial Requirements:  Assets

     Institutionalized Individual
-- Applicant is allowed to keep $2,000 in countable assets in most states.

Community Spouse
-- Community Spouse is allowed to keep a separate amount knows as the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA).
     -- CSRA varies from state to state, but is typically no more than $123,600.


What Qualifies as a Countable Asset?

Exempt Assets
    -- Primary residence
     -- One automobile
     -- Personal effects and household items
     -- Funeral expense trust

Countable Assets
     -- Checking/Savings accounts
     -- CDs, stocks, bonds
     -- Additional real estate or automobiles
     -- IRAs


*     *      *     *     *


The #1 reason most people don't immediately qualify for Medicaid is they have too many countable assets. And you don't have to liquidate your assets and still qualify for Medicaid when your assets are in a properly structured plan - a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA).


 What is a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA)?

A Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA) is a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) that provides income to the owner and contains zero cash value.

When properly structured, this annuity functions as a spend-down tool that eliminates excess countable assets, allowing the nursing home resident to become eligible for Medicaid benefits.

Who Pays for Long-Term Care by Alvin Lynn
Alvin Lynn explains Medicaid Planning

This is Who Pays for LTC

1. Medicaid pays 52 %

2. Out of Pocket, Retirement Savings, Investments, Cash-on-Hand

3. Other Public (Medicare and VA)

4. Private Insurance 

5. Other Private (Long-Term Care Insurance)

Data: Congressional Research Service

Does ANY Annuity Work?

A Medicaid Compliant Annuity is a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) with added restrictions to meet the requirements of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), and it is only offered by a limited number of insurance companies.

What are the Requirements of a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA)?

The contract cannot be revoked or altered.

The contract cannot be assigned or sold to another party.

Actuarially Sound
The terms of the annuity cannot exceed an individual's Medicaid life expectancy.

Equal Payments
The contract must provide equal monthly payments with no deferral or balloon payments.

State as beneficiary
In most cases, the state Medicaid agency must be named primary death beneficiary to the extent of benefits paid on behalf of the institutionalized individual.

*   *   *   *   *   *

An MCA Would Be a Good Choice If You or Your Loved One ...

Alvin Lynn offers Medicaid Compliant Annuities
  • Is a resident of a Medicaid-approved facility;
  • Is expected to remain at the facility indefinitely;
  • Has exhausted all of his or her Medicare benefits;
  • Is paying out-of-pocket;
  • And has excess countable assets.

What You Need to Know


We provide guidance and design comprehensive Long-Term plans for each unique situation that accelerates eligibility for benefits using a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA).

Insurance is Protection Against Financial Loss


Who We Are

Alvin Lynn has been providing insurance since 2013.

Alvin Lynn image
The Alvin Lynn brand is a veteran owned and operated independent life and health insurance agency.

The Alvin Lynn Team are insurance professionals. We specialize in Medicaid Planning, Medicare Planning, Long Term Care Planning and Retirement Solutions Planning. It is our pleasure to collaborate with other trusted advisors outside of our field of expertise to customize a realistic and attainable plan for you. If your goal is to stay retired and not have to return to work because of a lack of money, then understanding and implementing a Holistic Retirement Plan is essential to your overall retirement strategy.

You have a choice to enjoy financial security regardless of market volatility.  Our mission is to guide you to financial wellness, by helping you experience freedom from debt a lower tax burden, and a safe and predictable income now and in retirement.


Call us today to learn more


25882 Orchard Lake Rd
Suite 110-5

Farmington Hills, MI 48336




(248) 633-5255


Hours by Appointment Only
No walk-ins please

Monday           8:30AM-5PM
Tuesday           8:30AM-5PM
Wednesday     8:30AM-5PM
Thursday         8:30AM-5PM
Friday               8:30AM-5PM
Saturday                    Closed 
Sunday                       Closed